Mixing Mindsets
A podcasts about lifestyle, music, and more.
Mixing Mindsets
Humility w/ Dan Gray
Mixing Mindsets
Episode 25
Welcome to episode 25 of Mixing Mindsets! In this episode we sit down with Dan Gray, a pastor and long time friend, to talk about humility and how we keep our pride in check!
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Dan's Church: https://www.wyomingavechurch.com/
Eric: https://www.instagram.com/novro50/
Andrew: https://www.instagram.com/blankman94music/
So Much Hope, Buried: https://www.instagram.com/somuchhopeburiedpa/
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Toothless: https://www.instagram.com/toothless.band/
Novro Studios: https://www.instagram.com/novrostudios/